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PTA Board Positions

President – Amy Kaiser

VP- Educational Programs – Cori Wilser

VP-Communications –  Jaime Perez

Secretary – Sandy Woosley

Treasurer – Ben Towne

Financial Secretary – Erica Bulycz

Membership Chair – Stacey Perry

Volunteer Coordinator – Jaqueline Erickson

Historian – Lisa Lorino

Parliamentarian –Bob Briski

Auditor – Cyndi Kavanagh

Treasurer Emeritus –N/A


Facebook Communications – Chris Roth

Konstella Moderators – Rachel Wilner, Amy Kaiser

Marquee Coordinators – Estella Vargas

Spanish Liaison – Noemi Caraves

Website Editors – Rachel Wilner, Bob Briski


Back to School Ice Cream Social – Keirsty O’Keeffe

Harvest Festival – Iryna Haurilava

Kinder Coffee – Debbie Lewis

Kinder Welcome Party – Caitlin Cohen

Kinder Park Days – Jessica Painter

Father-Daughter Event – Kelly O’Connor

Mother-Son Event – Kelly Vincelette

Staff Appreciation Week – Maureen Wenski, Marlene Wilhelm

Talent Show – Keirsty O’Keeffe

Talent Show Bake Sale Coordinator – Claudia Tagimaroa

Tree Lighting – Stacey Perry

Walk-to-School Day / Bike-to-School Day Coordinator – Cori Wilser


Annual Giving – Julia Casto (Marketing)

Art Cards  – Lisa Lorino

Auction Chairs – N/A

Box Tops / Labels for Education – Yazmin Sheble

Restaurant Nights Coordinator – Bob Briski

Scholastic Book Fair – Kelly O’Connor, Beth Binder/Sally Midgely Erica Bulycz

Walkathon – Julie Leif

WG5K Coordinator – Debbie Lewis

5K Sponsorship – Alexis Cherniavsky, Chris Roth

5K Marketing – N/A

5k Kid Zone – Cyndi Kavanagh, Rebecca Chavez

5 Festival– Renee Love

Enrichment Programs

ABC Cordinator/Lead & Recruiter– DeAnna Papedis, Leslie Roberts

ABC Volunteer Training/WGE Support – N/A

ABC los Dichos Coordinator & Recrueter– Zoila Lomeli

Art Docent Coordinators – Erin Green, Mara Nicholson

Band Instrument Rentals – Yazmin Sheble

Band Liaison – Yazmin Sheble

Band Rentals– Yazmin Sheble

Band Parent Morning Helpers

Book Swap – Erica Bulycz

Garden Coordinator – Jennifer George

Game Closet– Ren Sherman

Hicklebees Author Visits Organizer – Erica Bulycz

Library Coordinator – N/A

Music Program Coordinator – Cori Wilser

Opera Coordinator –Erin Woodhead

Schmahl Science Coordinator – Cori Wilser

Science Fair /Science Family Fun Night Coordinators – Katie Settle, Sandy Woosley

Other Volunteer Positions

Campus Beautification – Nicole Cohn

Copiers – Christine Kellner

Kinder Tours – Erica Bulycz

Lost and Found – Nicole Cohn, Christine Kellner

Tiger Store Coordinator – Erica Bulycz

T-Shirt Design Contest – Yazmin Sheble, Cori Wilser, Jaime Perez Barclay

T-shirts – Ordering, Sales and Inventory – Christine Kellner, Nicole Cohn, Yazmin Sheble

Yearbook Coordinators –  Yan-Li Qu and Andy Carrasco Raquel Thomson